Patient Participation Group

We now operate our Patient Participation Group (PPG) at scale within our HBD Primary Care Network (Hills Brook and Dales PCN).

This is known as the PCN PEG which meets bimonthly and includes representation from Brixton Hill Group Practice.  The group represents, strategizes and oversees patient best interests and services for the seven HBD PCN practices, with over 70,000 patients. 

We are always happy to see more patients signing onto the Patient Participation Group even if you do not want to participate in the meetings. Young people, workers, retirees, people with long term conditions and people from all walks of life are welcome to join. 

Please complete the below sign up form if you are interested and we will get you in contact with our PCN PEG Administrator. 

If you prefer, you can download the sign up form as a pdf document, print it out, complete it and return it to the practice.

Thank you for helping us improve our service to you