Consent Policy


At Brixton Hill Group Practice, we are committed to providing high-quality healthcare while respecting the autonomy and rights of our patients. This policy outlines our approach to consent, ensuring that patients are fully informed and empowered in their healthcare decisions. Additionally, it provides guidance for our staff to obtain and document consent effectively.


This policy applies to all employees of Brixton Hill Group Practice, including contractors, seconded staff, placements, and agency staff.

Principles of Consent

We adhere to both local and national guidance, including the Mental Capacity Act (2005), ensuring that all patients are treated with dignity and respect. Our staff are trained to presume capacity in adults unless proven otherwise and to assess capacity on a case-by-case basis. Patients have the right to refuse consent, seek further information, limit consent, or request a chaperone.

Types of Consent

We recognise three types of consent: implied, expressed, and informed. Implied consent is assumed for routine physical contacts, while expressed consent (either written or verbal) is obtained for procedures carrying substantial risks. Informed consent involves ensuring that patients understand the nature, purpose, benefits, and risks of procedures before giving consent.

Consent for Special Cases

For children under 16, parental consent is required for medical procedures unless the child demonstrates “sufficient understanding and intelligence” (Gillick Competence), allowing them to give consent for themselves.

Obtaining Consent

Consent (implied or expressed) will always be obtained before any procedure, and our clinicians are trained to ensure that patients have the capacity to provide consent. We provide relevant information about the treatment, answering any questions patients may have honestly and transparently.

Consent Documentation

For procedures carrying a degree of risk or for minor surgery, consent forms will be used and accurately documented in the patient’s medical record. Additionally, consent to share personal data will be recorded in accordance with data protection regulations.

Concerns over Consent

Any concerns regarding a patient’s competency to give consent should be raised with the patient’s regular GP or the practice’s Caldicott Guardian. Our clinicians receive adequate training to address capacity and consent-related issues.

Training and Distribution

All staff members receive comprehensive training on consent principles during their induction and regularly thereafter.

Monitoring and Reporting

Monitoring and reporting in relation to this policy are the responsibility of the operations manager, Louisa Nelson. Incidents relating to consent will be monitored and reported through appropriate channels.

Contact Information

For any queries regarding this policy, please contact the Designated Data Protection Officer (Danielle Gibbons) at, the practice’s Operation Manager (Louisa Nelson), or the Caldicott Guardian (Dr Bruce Blackwell) at

This policy is in line with NHS guidelines and will be reviewed regularly to ensure its effectiveness and relevance.